Saturday, 10 May 2014

First week back...

Wow! This week has flown by! We have had a very busy week in Room 27. On Wednesday we had Diana and her dog Lincoln in to share about being safe around a dog.

On Thursday we had our book parade. Our class had some amazing costumes and as a class we went as animals from Charlotte's Web. The whole school looked amazing in the different costumes they had put together.

Finally TRA took assembly. It was great for the children to be able to share some of the work that we have been doing in our classroom. We shared our volcano art and we had 4 children who read out the writing they had done about volcanoes. Thank you to the parents who came out and supported the class.

Phew! It has been a very busy week! Enjoy your weekend and I look forward to seeing you next week for another busy week.

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